“Making friends and uniting communities with one remembrance at a time.”
Good day gamers,
It’s once again September 11th. This year is the 22nd Anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center buildings.
We all have individual stories about that day, about the people we lost, or the situations we found ourselves in.
Friends and families are still grieving. People that were present at the site weeks, months, and years later have gotten sick. People are suffering.
I lost a former co-worker, Darren Bohan, and someone I went to High School with, Sean Caton.
I also just recently learned of someone else I knew way back when that died of cancer due to working at the site. And another one of our close friends suffers from asthma from working at the site.
I know that you have a tragic story too.
Peace to you, your family, and to the ones we lost.
We must treat each day as a gift, as a chance to tell each other how much they mean to us, to work together to ease suffering, pain, and division. Call, text, or email someone today and tell them you love and appreciate them.
Let’s gather together as much as we can, maybe to even play some games, and live life to it’s fullest.
I think that is what those that lost their lives on September 11th would want us to do.
- Game Master Dave