“Making friends and uniting communities one update at a time.”
Good day gamers,
There are so many things to talk about, but I couldn’t find one to chat about, so here is a quick update on a bunch of stuff…
- I will be at Legendary Realms on Monday night, 8/30/21 at 7:30pm to teach and play board games. The store is charging $5 and please wear a mask. Come on down! We want to make this at least a monthly thing, if possible, unless Delta and Life have other plans. LOL
- I have one last assignment to finish for my first college class in more than 25 years! I need to talk to the professor about something too. Almost done. My next class starts September, 7th. The next class is an independent study class on World War I.
- I have been mulching my front yard. Has anyone had success with a mulch product? Any suggestions?
- At the Post Office, they have instituted mandatory mask wearing for inside the buildings again, even if you are vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated yet and your choice is not because of medical reasons, I would love to hear why. Send me a private message at Dave@GameMasterGames.com.
- Ginger and I are in the Novavax vaccine trial, but we can’t get the Excelsior Pass because of this. We are still researching what we can do. I do have a card from Novavax, but is that enough to get on planes and attend events in the future? It should be, but we shall see.
- Planning for OctaCon, October 23 and 24 is happening on Monday. It might be mostly an online convention once again, but we might hold a few events in person. Stand by for more details.
- Ginger and I played some Roll for It last night and we each won a game. Check out my Instagram for some pictures and my Board Game Geek account to see the games I have played.
- Planning for Doctor Who Convention and FATDOG are ongoing.
- I’m playing in a Dominions 5 game, a World War II Deluxe game, a Strat-o-Matic Baseball game, and streaming Hearts of Iron 4 on Twitch.
- If you haven’t checked out my report on the Milton Bradley Company yet, see the blog entry just before this one and let me know what you think.
- I should be starting a morning talk show soon at 6:30am…ouch! Just for 15 minutes. Is there something you would like to hear me chat about?
- I check this video out everyday. It’s from John Hopkins. It’s an ‘eye opener’ about Coronavirus cases in the world and the US. Link.
- I have an idea for a book I think you all will enjoy. Who knows when I’ll write it, but it will eventually happen. Thinking about publishing it using Amazon, but please send me any suggestions.
I’m sure there is lots more to chat about, but more posts to come…
Thanks so much for reading my short dispatch today. Give yourself 100XP and until we meet again, across the internet, keep you dice dry, your rulebooks ready, and your gaming communities strong.
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David dear, It seems that the insect pests keep you up at night by making sweet music with their rubbing leg behavior. This beautiful sound puts me and The Ginger to sleep soundly. It reminds of long evening walks in the forest. Why does it bother you so?”
Lambie Pie, “Dude…it was uber funny when Ginger surprised you with the pillow attack. Beware the ‘soft cushions’!!! LOL…man…I haven’t laughed like that in like three days.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Boo boo, why were you on your hands and knees in the corner over dare with a cup, cardboard, hammer, spray bottle, tissue, and sunlight maker? Were da little hoppy dings bothering you?”
Chester, “Chester.”