Good day gamers,
First of all, thank you for reading. I hope that these semi-daily blogs are interesting and helpful. I still don’t know how to use WordPress to it’s fullest and there seems to be issues with leaving comments. Please send me suggestions and feedback at
Happy Easter and Happy Passover. And if you don’t celebrate those holidays then Happy Spring! One of the few good things about working at the Post Office (besides having a job right now, when some of my friends don’t) is Spring time. Spring and the Halloween season are my favorite times delivering mail. There are flower, flowers everywhere! I have a big backyard, but I don’t have a green thumb. I hope to one day have some great flower beds planted.

Virtually LITT! So, if you don’t know yet, the Long Island Tabletop Gaming Expo has been postponed to November due to Coronavirus. However, we are meeting this coming weekend, April 17-19 online! There are panels, discussions, RPG games, Diplomacy Board Game run by me and more! You can watch, participate or even run your own online games during the weekend. We would love to hear about them! Browse events and sign up here!
Apollo XIII: Wow! Found this site by accident. Super cool site where you can listen in on all audio for the entire duration of the Apollo 13 mission. Listen in real time or jump ahead. There are over 20 audio channels to listen in on. I just checked out one of the channels and the guys in mission control were like, “So, since they are sleeping now, Jim and I are thinking of getting some breakfast.” “Roger, see you when you come back.” Crazy that all of this has been saved for posterity. Check it out here.
Twilight Struggle. On our date night this past Friday, Ginger asked me if I would like to play a game. I responded ‘Yes’. She suggested that I pick a gme this time, so I asked about Twilight Struggle, fully expecting her to decline, but I was pleasantly surprised. So, we set it up and I played the USA and she took the reigns of the USSR. It ended up being a great, stressful and amazing game. We both had fun. In about game turn 3, Ginger almost won the game by scoring the Europe card. I just avoided defeat because I happened to influence and break her control in a Battleground Country at the last possible second. Then in Game Turn 6 and 7, I luckily got three different scoring cards right when I needed them and I ended up winning with 20 victory points. Great game. Check out info on Twilight Struggle here. See pictures below. And check out my account on Board Game here. My username is GMGDave.
Ginger’s Dominance in Europe The Americas score well for me!
GTKD (Getting to know Dave): I’ve always had an interest in the military. Ever since I was a young fella, I would have toy soldiers that I fought lots of battles with on my bedroom floor. I had toy guns, usually flintlock muskets that actually could take caps and shoot little cork balls, but I also had an old Star Trek pistol that shot little plastic disks too. I would re-fight an American Revolution battle with plastic toy soldiers I bought from an ad on the back of a comic book. I owned GI Joes, the Guns of Navarone playset and went with my Mom and Dad to see one of my favorite movies of all time, “A Bridge Too Far”. I idolized George Washington, Patton and Napoleon. Wow. My perspective has changed a lot in the last 35 years. George Washington was great, but owned slaves. Patton was great, but he needlessly put his soldier’s lives in danger. Napoleon was great, but brought war and destruction to Europe for 12+ years. Crazy. Who did you idolized as a young person or teenager? I’d like to hear. Send a message to
Thank you for once again making it to the end of another Dave’s Daily Dispatch. Please stay safe. Take care of your friends and family and drop off toilet paper to those in need. (I’m talking to you Rich!!!) 🙂
Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your dice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave