“Making friends and uniting communities one vaccine at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Playing some Guelphs and Ghibellines tonight on Vassal.
- Filled out the JoCo Cruise Survey. I hope they do some smaller events throughout the year. That would be fun.
- Been watching the Twitch Streamer 2DKiri play Civilization VI today.
- Started watching the Walking Dead again. I’m on Season 8. I’m not finding it as interesting as previous seasons. Anyone else finding it ‘blah’? Or is it me?
- I have an electric mower. Wanted to get it out today, but all the batteries I have for it aren’t taking a charge. Argh.
The pandemic isn’t over yet! It’s hard for me to understand how people are thinking, nationwide and worldwide, that once you get the vaccine you still don’t have to be careful. There is still issues in my workplace with mask wearing. It’s frustrating. The pandemic isn’t over yet and the number of cases in the United States and worldwide is rising! Granted, science has shown that the vaccines are great in reducing or even eliminating advanced Covid-19 disease, hospitalization and death. However, many people are still getting infected and everyone reacts differently to this. People are still dying from getting infected. There is still more than 50% of people that are yet to vaccinated in the United States and this is even higher worldwide. Check out the graph below to see the number of worldwide daily reported cases. It’s not going down. It’s going up!!!

Please note: This is the number of reported daily cases worldwide. The actual number is probably much higher.
So, what does this mean for us, as gamers?
All of us need to be continue to be careful, continue to mask, continue to social distance, continue to not attend too many events. I want to be able to see my friends across the gaming table later in the fall. I want to attend conventions late this year and next year. I don’t want a ‘fourth’ or ‘fifth’ wave that will shut down the country again. I want to win a game of face to face 7 Wonders or Scythe or Advanced Civilization. I want to teach you games at a local convention.
In order for us to do the above, we need to continue to mask and limit what we do around others until all are vaccinated and the number of new cases has dropped to negligible.
Help a guy out. Wear a mask.
Send me your thoughts: Dave@GameMasterGames.com
Thank you for making it to the end of another Game Master Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep you dice dry, your masks ready and hope strong!!! Strong hope! We need strong hope! But we can’t get to hope unless we do what is needed now. Take care.
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David dear, The Ginger is wondering why Chester’s vocabulary has not increased over the years. Could you please explain to her that Chester is still a baby Bunny Puppy.”
Lamby Pie, “Dude, I lost my mask on my last visit to Robert. Can you picky me up a new one on your shop mission? Thanks man.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Boo boo, why did you cut Mama’s hair? Did it hurt?”
Chester, “Chester.”