“Making friends and uniting communities one animal upon animal at a time.”

Good day gamers,

I forgot to mention in all of my previous advertisements that OctaCon welcomes kids too!

  • On both Saturday & Sunday from 12-4pm there is kid’s programming and games upstairs in the children’s area at the Bethpage Library.
  • There is going to be Cornhole in the front lobby.
  • There will be Crokinole downstairs that is good for all ages.
  • Chris is running Hero Kids, which is great for kids 6-10 on Sunday.
  • At some point on Saturday, Zach will bring his giant LOTS game, which the kids will love.
  • Kris’ daughter apparently wants to teach other six year old children some games!

Of course, lots of other games too!

Can’t wait to see you all this weekend!

  • Game Master Dave
