“Making friends and uniting communities one gaming event at time.”
Good day gamers,
Wow! I can’t believe I’m still standing!
– Board Game Coordinator for LITabletop two weekends ago.
– D&D Game Master with Baldman Games this past weekend.
Some reflections in no particular order:
– Taught D&D to 72 people this weekend and ran one Adventurers League Module to another 8 players
– My first time at PaxEast! Have you attended PaxEast before? I’d love to hear about one of your experiences there. Dave@GameMasterDave.com
– My first time with Baldman Games. They paid for my hotel! I worked for it though. Taught D&D for 28 hours! I hardly saw the convention.
– Walking by a table at PaxEast, I saw three guys reading the rules for Azul. I asked if I could help teach and they said “Yes”. Super cool! I had fun.
– I saw David Eng and Chris from Crispy Games (Clear the Decks) at Pax. That was fun. I also met Sara. She attended LITabletop as a player! Super cool!
– Driving to Boston Convention Center was super easy. It’s right off the highway. Parking each day is $25.
– I saw how the Tabletop area was run and I have some ideas for LITabletop for next year.
– I had a bunch of kids play D&D with me and they were great. They were very creative.
– The sausage epanadas from the food truck were delicious but too expensive.
– The picture with the Pillsbury Dough Boy and the Assasin’s Creed cosplayers was funny.

See you soon!
– Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David Dear, you know what the Fox says? Hydrate! I am disappointed that you lost your voice. Proper hydration from forest spring water would benefit you greatly.”
Lamby Pie, “Dude, the Merrow adventures were hilarious. Thanks for telling me about the crazy player ideas!”
Snuggle Bunny, “Whatsa Wombie? You said dere unded?”
Chester, “Chester, Chester!”