Good day gamers,
What a nice day and very surprisingly, I have three days off in a row! With the postal service giving me every Sunday off, but then rotating the other day off, and the week beginning on Saturday instead of the traditional Sunday or Monday, every five weeks, I get Friday, Saturday and Sunday off! I’m in the middle of that time off, right now! I’m getting a lot of housework and project work done as well as streaming.
Uplink: Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the 6th Annual Long Island Retro convention has been postponed. They are doing an online convention instead called Uplink. There should be fantastic video game events during this weekend and there will be some tabletop events as well. Keep checking back on the website, sign up for their social media or keep watching here for announcements. Uplink.
Battlefield Break: If you are interested in checking out some of the streaming I do, but don’t have a lot of time to watch long videos, check out Battlefield Break. I am currently playing Sid Meier’s Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword expansion and I’m playing as the Japanese. I also play this game multiplayer with some friends. Anyhow, the videos are only 10 minutes long and you can find them on my Twitch Channel and my YouTube Channel soon. Take a break and watch me battle!
New Picnic Table: Our old picnic table was made of wood and rotting away. Ginger passed by it last fall and got a big splinter. Ouch! I saw a plastic one on sale at BJs, so I picked it up today and put it together. Ginger and I cant wait to entertain again. We have a grill, a huge backyard and now a non-splintering picnic table. I think the table would fit a Twilight Imperium game too. 🙂 Looking forward to eventually seeing you all again.

GTKD: My Mom always brought me up to try new things and if I didn’t like them, then don’t do them again. I am very blessed that I got a chance to experience a lot of different things as a child and young adult. Cub Scouts, soccer league, Hand Bell Choir, karate, saxophone, piano, Webelos, paper route, Youth Church Choir, acting in a local theater production group, light dimmer board operator for the church plays, buffing and waxing floors for money at our church, changing light bulbs at our local library for money, hiking and camping, rock climbing, Revolutionary Reenactment Group, summer camp, chess club, swim lessons and more. Thanks Mom.
Thanks for checking out another of my Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch! Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave