Good day gamers,
Wingspan: Ginger and I played two games of Wingspan last night. I won the first game and she won the second. Foxy played along with us using the Automa rules, which was interesting. Foxy came in second place in both games. 🙂 Good times. I’ve recorded the plays on my Board Game Geek site.

Hamilton: On the JoCo Cruise, I went to the Alexander Jamilton event where they had a small, awesome band there and people sang along to the entire Hamilton musical. It was a lot of fun. So, I ordered the sheet music and it arrived yesterday. I set up our keyboard and noticed something right away. It’s too short. It’s not a full piano keyboard and there are a lot of low notes in the music. Oh well, I’ll play what I can. Going to be fun too.

Letter Carrier Appreciation: So, why are there signs all over my letter carrier route supporting us? Not sure. Was it someone on-line that did an art show for kids while schools have been closed? Anyhow, it’s great. Thank you everyone for showing support for us. We all know the medical professionals are the real heroes, but it is true that we deliver medicine, food, cards from family and government information, so our job is important. Thanks again.

Covid-19: I just heard that a friend has been diagnosed positive with Coronavirus. I heard that a USPS employee in Brooklyn died of it. I have heard that 10% of the NYPD is out sick. We all have heard horror stories. We must continue to do what we can. What else can we do? Not sure yet, but perhaps the best thing is to stay home right now and just keep from spreading it. Stay safe everyone. Do the best you can.
Census: Ginger and I have completed our Census on-line. Please make sure you do your census. It was very easy. Took less than ten minutes.
El Camino: I just started watching El Camino, since I finished Breaking Bad. Good stuff. No spoilers please.
Thanks for reading another Dave’s Semi-Daily Dispatch. Give yourself 100 XP and until we meet again across the internet, keep your mice dry, your keyboards ready and your gaming communities strong!
- Game Master Dave