“Making friends and uniting communities three doctors visits at a time.”
Good day gamers,
- Playing a lot of Civilization VI Multiplayer with friends.
- Played Iron & Oak last night with my friend Anthony.
- Also playing a 7-Player Dominions 5 game, a Through the Ages game, Strat-o-Matic Baseball and Sa Battalia. Wow….too much fun.
- I also had a successful night of Twilight 2000 RPG. Lots of fun. The players have made some morally good choices. Good to see. 🙂
- However, I also fell at work and injured my left big toe. Who knew that losing the use of your toe was so detrimental to your walking and getting around. I’ll be fine and can return to work soon.

Worker’s Comp Madness! So, I have never been injured at work. However, in the past, I have passed on to injured co-workers what limited knowledge I had. So, the other day, I fell at work and really did a number on my left big toe. It got swollen, turned a bit of black and blue and I could only walk with a limp. I got my paperwork from my employer and went to my primary care physician to get checked out and get the paperwork signed. I made the appointment, arrived on time, got charged my co-pay, waited around, got into the room, got my vitals done and then the nurse asked me what was the paperwork was that I was holding. I said it was my worker’s compensation paperwork. She said, “Oh, I’m sorry, we don’t do that.” I said, “You don’t do worker’s compensation? But this is my doctor?” She said, “Yeah, we didn’t sign the contract for it. You need to go to an urgent care facility.” Being quite disappointed and having only gone to urgent care place more than a decade ago when I didn’t have insurance, I left and went to the closest one I knew of. I signed in, filled out the paperwork, waited around again and when I got called up, the person at the desk said, “What are you here for?” I told them and I showed them the paperwork. They told me, “Oh, so sorry that you waited, but we don’t do worker’s compensation here.” What? What the fudge? What kind of healthcare system to do we have? A guy on line behind me said, “Oh, you need to go to CityMD Urgent Care. They do worker’s comp.” So, I went to CityMD and got my paper taken care of.
Has anyone else experienced this? Dave@GameMasterGames.com
Does anyone know why this is like this? Do some doctors not have the experience, don’t want the risk or is it not worth the money for them?
Isn’t this a potentially a monopoly situation, where if only one doctor’s office or urgent care does worker’s compensation paperwork, but no one else does it, won’t they be able to charge whatever they want?
Our medical system is crazy. Why? Very frustrating. Why isn’t this public knowledge or advertised in the offices or facilities?
Imagine I didn’t have a car and took public transportation around? Imagine if my employer was giving me a hard time and I wasn’t near a doctor that does worker’s comp paperwork? Imagine if I had a more serious injury and couldn’t get around easily? I’m sure hundreds of thousands of people encounter this every year in the United States. It seems to me that this is something that should be changed.
Wish I had money and time to work towards changing this. Keep reading, liking, subscribing, viewing, supporting my stuff. Maybe one day I can make a difference. Or maybe you can. Call your legislative representatives today about any subject you feel strongly about.
Thanks for reading. Give yourself 100XP for getting to the bottom of this page and until we meet again, keep your wounds dry, your first aid kits ready and your bones strong!!!
- Game Master Dave
Foxy Joan, “David dear, why are you limping around cutting the lawn? The grasses can wait and besides, Lamby and Robert enjoy the longer growth.”
Lambie Pie, “Dude, that scrape on your knee is rad. Glad we had that micro animal cream to stop more of the red stuff. Rest my dude. Rest and lots of water as the Foxmeister says.”
Snuggle Bunny, “Boo boo, you no longer work at the paper moving around job? You have been home for like a year now. It’s nice though. Mama bought the wrong nanas.”
Chester, “Chester.”