“Making friends and uniting communities once musical reflection at a time.”

Good day gamers,

If you don’t know already, I’m taking a class on the History of Rock and Roll at Empire State College.

I want to write more about my reflections on this course, but I’m busy writing my final paper.

However, I wanted to mention that though I have heard the song “Spirit of Radio” by Rush before, I never saw one of the videos for the song.

It was recommended by the professor and I just saw it and I was moved. There is so much to unpack…

  • The history lesson of radio
  • The DJs
  • The graphics
  • The music
  • The tribute

I lived some of those times visualized and lyricized.

  • College radio DJ
  • Driving in my car listening to tunes
  • The boom box

Check it out…and tell me your reflections.

See you soon,

  • Game Master Dave
