Good day gamers,

Welcome back to DexCon 22, put on by Double Exposure,

Ginger and I got to see some old friends and made some new ones running games all day long.  We saw Matt, Will, Brad, Adam, Matt, and Frank.  We met the game designer of Legion, who has a Kickstarter soon, a couple who I played Koi with, Ginger’s long-time friend Donna, who we went out to lunch with.  And I’ll soon stop by Chris at Crispy Games that made Clear the Decks, which is already done with their Kickstarter and is starting to ship their game.

Ginger had several successful games today like Azul and Game of Thrones: Hand of the King.  My Advanced Squad Leader game was a complete success, but I’ll have to talk about it later as it’s too much to type here in between games.  Only one showed up for my Twilight 2000 RPG, so I may not run next year, but I do have an idea for a D&D Baldur’s Gate game that I’ll run next year.  I am playing in a Cthulhu LIVE event later this evening.

If you have never been to DexCon, you should check it out some day soon.  Over 950 games on the schedule which include everything:  LARPs, RPGs, Board games, Mini games, Magic TCG, Game shows, contests, tournaments, an auction, and more!!!

See you soon!

  • Game Master Dave
