“Making friends and uniting communities one somatic spell at a time.”

Played on 11/19/2023. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/207062/dungeons-dragons-rock-paper-wizard

Good day gamers,

When I was over at a friend’s house, and we had six players sitting around the table, and we had about 40 minutes left of playing time… it was time to break out this fun, crazy, thinking, and silly game once again!

Ginger and I like putting this game on the table during conventions and casual gatherings.

I was somewhere in the middle of the pack until the last game turn. Two people tied for like 22 gold, so the game went one more round. Everyone targeted those two people, so I surprisingly ended up closest to the gold pile in the last round and pulled ahead to win!

Good times.

Four of the six had never played before. I hope they had a good time.

I give Rock, Paper, Wizard Six spaces moved due to Fireball spell.

Let us know your experience with Rock, Paper, Wizard or any other game you have played recently by filling out this quick survey HERE.

See you soon!

  • Game Master Dave
