“Making friends and uniting communities one card play at a time.”

Played Love Letter on 2023-11-02 https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/277085…#bggplay via


Good day gamers,

We didn’t finish this simple card game, but I taught three new people how to play and they liked it. However, Game Master Ginger started a Harry Potter Clue game and everyone bailed! LOL

Anyhow, Love Letter is listed as a 7.5 rating on BGG and that is great. However, it is not the type of game I would pick up unless I’m trying to teach new gamers or if trying to kill time between games.

There is some strategy on what you play when, but your choices are extremely limited, which means its more luck based. However, it is still interesting and fun to play. It’s great for demoing to newer gamers.

I give Love Letter Six Love Letters from the suitors.

See you soon!

  • Game Master Dave
