“Making friends and uniting communities honoring others one at a time.”

Good day gamers,

As a veteran, I’ll be marching with my American Legion Post on Memorial Day. For the first time, I’ll be part of the Honor Guard and carrying either the flag or an M1 Garand rifle.

The first national observance of Memorial Day was in 1868 and since then people have been visiting cemeteries and participating in memorial services to honor those that died in this nation’s wars and conflicts.

Find out where your local Memorial Day Parade is, attend, and cheer as your local police, firemen, school band, and veterans walk past. Or come down to Washington Ave. in Seaford, NY between Merrick Road and the Seaford Middle School and cheer me on. Ceremony to immediately follow at the school and a small reception at the American Legion Hall afterwards at 2301 Penatiquit Ave in Seaford.

In addition, take some time to spend with your friends and family on this weekend. And for those that are working all weekend, I do hope you get a chance to do something fun at some point.

If you are a veteran, thank you. If you are a family member of a veteran, thank you. Peace to our fallen comrades.

See you soon,

  • Game Master Dave

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